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  • Writer's pictureJaroslav Holaň

Launching SoftCraft web

New year 2023

We have been helping programmers to improve their software development skills for several years. We have decided to record our activities here on this website.

In the beginning, it was organizing annual Coderetreats where programmers had the opportunity to practice TDD techniques, write clean code and work in pairs. We have also hosted a Coding Dojo where we programmed and discussed code in a group on one computer. We weren't stopped by the restrictions during the pandemic and held several online exercises. It was a challenge to find the right tools to communicate with each other effectively, but most importantly, to choose the right editor to work with the code remotely.

Our goal is to continue to bring best practices to software development. To lead discussions through our podcasts and spread awareness through this website. We'll do our best to show you what's important to focus on in our highly dynamic, constantly changing industry, which software development is.

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